(949) 675-0551
The most affordable on-the-water STEM program!

7th - 12th gr.
7th - 12th grade students are immersed in current scientific research inside the Crystal Cove State Marine Conservation Area & Underwater Park.


Sept - June
with partial and full scholarship funding available through Crystal Cove Conservancy. A cruise can accommodate up to 40 students total. You can bring chaperons along, but there will be 3 staff members onboard in addition to your party.
Program Overview
A Unique Partnership
The Marine Protected Area Community Science MPA Expedition is run through a unique partnership between Newport Landing Sportfishing and Crystal Cove Conservancy, the nonprofit partner of Crystal Cove State Park. Our sportfishing company works together with this conservation organization, local scientists, State Park resource managers, and participating students and teachers to monitor Crystal Cove's Marine Conservation Area.
This high quality on-the-water STEM education program gives students an opportunity to be a part of authentic scientific research and monitoring in Crystal Cove State Park. During the program, students set sail aboard a "research vessel" (aka fishing boat) and work as scientists for the day in the Crystal Cove State Marine Conservation Area. Working together, we believe that we can best monitor and protect our marine resources, a profitable asset to all involved.
A New Teacher Learning Community
Teachers who participate in the Community Science MPA Expeditions are given the opportunity to apply to join Crystal Cove Conservancy's Teacher Learning Community, a professional community of teachers willing to share tested lesson plans, fundraising ideas, and other resources with each other. Spaces in this community are limited each year. Teacher Learning Community members receive a $300 scholarship towards their cruise and gain access to other pre- and post-trip activities that have been developed and tested by other teachers. They also may apply for additional financial aid opportunities. In return, teachers commit to attending a professional development day, taking a lead facilitation role during their cruises, and contributing a pre or post trip lesson plan to the online collection. For more information on the Teacher Learning Community and available scholarships, visit Crystal Cove Conservancy's webpage. If you are unable to commit to the Teacher Learning Community, you are welcome to schedule a field trip that is fully facilitated by Newport Landing staff for a $950 rate on weekdays.
Cruise Overview

The three hour Community Science MPA Expedition offers students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to explore the protected waters off the coast of Crystal Cove State Park. Students are assigned to one of three monitoring projects, where they will capture and take an up close look at plankton, drop a digital fishing camera down into the kelp forest to explore life below the ocean surface, and even collect water quality samples. The data that they collect will be shared with local scientists and resource managers who are studying and making decisions on how best to protect the underwater park.
Plankton Investigation

As scientists on board a research vessel, student teams use plankton nets to collect three plankton samples and examine them under a microscope, looking for the presence or absence of nine key plankton species, which are added to an online database. Students may also participate in a vertical plankton tow for the California Department of Health.
Digital Fishing Investigation

During the digital fishing investigation, student monitoring teams use a fishing rod to lower a camera into the water, exploring the canopy, mid-stipe and holdfast zones and recording video of the fish life under the surface. Students examine their video recordings to identify the fish and other items of interest that they see. Their findings are shared with researchers at UC Irvine's Center Environmental Biology and State Park resource managers, who are interested in learning about how fish populations are responding in Crystal Cove's Marine Conservation Area.
Water Quality Investigation

Student monitoring teams use a water sampling bottle to collect water samples from various depths, measuring water temperature, salinity and pH. This information is utilized by researchers at UC Irvine and State Park resource managers to determine the overall health of the kelp forest and marine ecosystems.
For more information, contact Jessica, MPA Expedition Facilitator at (949) 675-0551 x 118 or jessica@newportwhales.com.

Newport Landing Whale Watching proudly supports Crystal Cove Conservancy, the non-profit partner of Crystal Cove State Park, which is dedicated to education, conservation, and restoration efforts within the State Park and its Marine Conservation Area.
A portion of each ticket for Newport Landing Whale Watching goes to support the Crystal Cove Conservancy and its many educational and environmental efforts surrounding one of the last pristine coastlines remaining in Southern California.
Crystal Cove Conservancy's educational efforts include unique, innovative school programs focused on STEM and environmental literacy. Programs take place in an onsite Park and Marine Research Facility based out of a historic cottage, in the Berns Environmental Study Loop, and on the water with Newport Landing. For more information on the many different programs and activities offered, visit Crystal Cove Conservancy's webpage.
Newport Beach is one of the top whale watching and marine mammal viewing destinations in the world and maintaining this unique and flourishing marine environment ensures that future generations may witness these amazing creatures for many years to come. Supporting the Conservancy was our thank you for this amazing park system.
For more information, contact Jessica, MPA Expedition Facilitator at (949) 675-0551 x 118 or jessica@newportwhales.com.

MPA Expedition

The three hour Community Science MPA Expedition offers students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to explore the protected waters off the coast of Crystal Cove State Park. Students are assigned to one of three monitoring projects, where they will capture and take an up close look at plankton, drop a digital fishing camera down into the kelp forest to explore life below the ocean surface, and even collect water quality samples. The data that they collect will be shared with local scientists and resource managers who are studying and making decisions on how best to protect the underwater park.


The three hour Community Science MPA Expedition offers students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to explore the protected waters off the coast of Crystal Cove State Park. Students are assigned to one of three monitoring projects, where they will capture and take an up close look at plankton, drop a digital fishing camera down into the kelp forest to explore life below the ocean surface, and even collect water quality samples. The data that they collect will be shared with local scientists and resource managers who are studying and making decisions on how best to protect the underwater park.
For more information, contact Jessica, MPA Expedition Facilitator at (949) 675-0551 x 118 or jessica@newportwhales.com.
- In class presentation with marine mammal artifacts by an American Cetacean Society Naturalist before your trip. *dependent on distance and naturalist availability
- Grade level appropriate curriculum packets that can be printed and used to brief students on what they may be seeing on their trip and how it connects with what they are studying (see links below).
- Post trip activity sheets that connect with state standards that may be printed and given to students as a follow up learning activity. Additional fun and educational activities available for teacher/student use. (Click here to view material.)
Pre-Trip Curriculum Packets:
Grades K-2 Whale Watch Curriculum
Grades 3-5 Whale Watch Curriculum
Grades 6-8 Whale Watch Curriculum
Grades 9-12 Whale Watch Curriculum
Post Trip Activity Sheets:
Grades K-2 Activity Sheets
Grades 3-5 Activity Sheets
Grades 6-8 Activity Sheets
Whale & Dolphin Information:
Blue Whale
Minke Whale
Gray Whale
Humpback Whale
Fin Whale
Orca (Killer Whale)
Pilot Whale
Sei & Bryde's Whale
Sperm Whale
Bottlenose Dolphin
Common Dolphin
Risso's Dolphin
Pacific White Sided Dolphin
California Sea Lion
Additional Fun and Educational Activities:
Food Chain Activity
Cetacean Scavenger Hunt
Whale Watch KWL Chart
Whale Watch Word Search
Whale Matching
Toothed Whale or Baleen Whale Bubble Map
Origami Whale
Meet Our MPA Expedition Educators

Marine Education Program Manager
Jessica is our lead education coordinator and whale watching naturalist for Newport Whales, and has been with the company for over five years. She has a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and extensive hands-on experience in marine biology. Not only does she enjoy teaching others about the wonders of the ocean, but she spends much of her free time as a volunteer for several organizations working with marine mammals, penguins, and sharks just to name a few. She's an avid S.C.U.B.A. diver, and our on-the-water educational programs have created a great platform for her to engage with youth, teach them about marine life and get them excited about our oceans. Who knew learning could be so fun!

Marine Science Educator
Jenna joined Newport Whales shortly after getting her Bachelor's degree in environmental science and biology in 2020. She has experience working up close with sharks, stingrays, and sea turtles, and loves educating others about how amazing our oceans are. If she's not on the boat you can catch her working with rescued seals and sea lions to aide in their rehabilitate and return to their ocean home. Jenna not only teaches others, but she loves to learn more about our oceans when she can by scuba diving on her off days! Jenna's passion has always been the ocean and its amazing creatures, and we’re thrilled to have her on our team!
Email: jenna@cruisingnewportbeach.com

Marine Science Educator
Jill joined Newport Whales after a 13-year career with the United States Coast Guard as a Marine Science Technician and a civilian employee. After working for environmental change at the policy and enforcement level, she decided the best way to affect change is through education. Jill has a dedication and passion for all things ocean-science, especially cetaceans (whales and dolphins) and is continuing her education in Marine Biology and informal science education at California State University, Long Beach.

Marine Science Educator
Cecilia is the newest member of the Newport Landing education team and has brought her 3 years of experience teaching field trips to her new role as a Marine Naturalist. Originally from Central California, she completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Science at Florida Gulf Coast University then moved to Southern California to begin her career in outdoor education. She quickly found a passion in providing opportunities for students to connect with nature and be exposed to hands on science since she herself seldom had those opportunities in her k-12 education. Outside of the office you can find Cecilia out for a walk or SCUBA diving.
Email: cecilia@newportwhales.com
2024 sightings


