(949) 675-0551
Frequently Asked Questions
The cost of a fully facilitated cruise is $750. A $250 scholarship is available for teachers who participate in Crystal Cove Conservancy's Teacher Learning Community.
Payment for each cruise is due to Davey's Locker. If your cruise is fully covered by scholarships from Crystal Cove Conservancy, no deposit is necessary. If you have any questions on payment, please contact Jessica Roame, Education Coordinator, at (949) 675-0551 x 118 or Jessica@NewportWhales.com
  Financial Aid
Financial aid is available and a request form can be found on the Crystal Cove Conservancy website. The completed form can be submitted to Holly Fletcher, Crystal Cove Conservancy, #5 Crystal Cove, Newport Coast, CA 92657; hfletcher@crystalcovealliance.org; (949)376-0919 (fax). Holly can be contacted at (949)607-8709 with any questions.
  Teacher Learning Community
Teachers who participate in the MPA Citizen Science Cruises are given the opportunity to apply to join Crystal Cove Conservancy's Teacher Learning Community, a professional community of teachers willing to share tested lesson plans, fundraising ideas, and other resources with each other. Spaces in this community are limited each year.

Teacher Learning Community members receive a $250 scholarship towards their cruise and gain access to other pre- and post-trip activities that have been developed and tested by other teachers. They also may apply for other financial aid opportunities. In return, teachers commit to attending a professional development day, taking a lead facilitation role during their cruises, and contributing a pre- or post-trip lesson plan to the online collection.

For more information on the Teacher Learning Community and available scholarships, visit Crystal Cove Conservancy's webpage. If you are unable to commit to the Teacher Learning Community, you are welcome to schedule a field trip that is fully facilitated by Newport Landing staff for a $750 rate.
  Scheduling a Cruise
The next teacher training cruise is scheduled for April 19th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Teachers can book their space on this cruise by contacting Jessica Roame, Education Coordinator, at (949) 675-0551 X 118 or Jessica@NewportWhales.com.
  Can't attend the training cruise?
While multiple dates are offered for teacher training, it is understandable that at times things just don't work out. If a teacher is unable to attend a teacher training cruise but still wishes to be a part of the Teacher Learning Community, training arrangements can still be made by contacting Holly Fletcher, Education Coordinator with Crystal Cove Conservancy, at hfletcher@crystalcovealliance.org.
  Student cruises
Student cruises are still being scheduled from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on available dates for the current school year. Cruises will be offered in both Fall and Spring for the 2015-2016 school year. Cruises can be booked with Newport Landing/Davey's Locker by contacting Jessica Roame, Education Coordinator, at (949)675-055 x 118 or Jessica@NewportWhales.com. You can also speak with Jessica to discuss the possibility of booking a cruise outside of the specified time frames.
  How many students can I bring on a cruise?
The cruises are divided into nine teams, with three teams assigned to one of three monitoring projects. The ideal number of students per team is four, for a total of 36 students on board. If you wish to bring more than 36 students, please contact Jessica Roame, Education Coordinator, at (949)675-0551 x 118 or Jessica@NewportWhales.com to discuss that opportunity. Maximum capacity is limited to boat space.
  How many chaperones should I bring on a cruise?
The ideal number of chaperons, including the teacher, is four. This allows for one chaperone to be present to assist and supervise students at each investigation and the teacher the opportunity to move between the investigation groups. If you are unable to bring an additional three chaperones on your cruise, contact Jessica Roame, Education Coordinator, at (949)675-0551 x 118 or Jessica@NewportWhales.com, to discuss other possibilities.
  Pre and Post - trip activities
Pre-trip preparation is essential for student success on the cruise. All teachers who join Crystal Cove Conservancy’s Teacher Learning Community will receive access to tested pre and post trip lesson plans that they can use in their classroom. Teachers will receive training on both these classroom lesson plans and the cruise monitoring projects during their professional development day. For more information about pre and post trip activities, please contact Holly Fletcher, Education Coordinator, at hfletcher@crystalcovealliance.org.
  Taking videos back to the classroom
During the cruise, students will record underwater videos and take photos of unique plankton specimen. If you would like to bring your students' photos and videos back to the classroom, we recommend bringing 2 flash drives with 2 GB storage.
  Bus Parking
Bus Parking is available across the street in the Balboa Municipal Parking Lot. The bus driver will need to turn right on Palm Street to access this parking lot. Usually the first several busses that park in this lot are free of charge, although signage indicates that bus parking is $30. While there is a three minute walk over to the Western Pride from this lot, it is recommended that this should also be the student drop-off and pick-up location because of the narrow, one-way streets in the area.
  Inclement Weather
Inclement Weather can cause cruise cancellations if a threat of danger exists. Cruises will not be cancelled due to rain, but high winds and lightning can cause unsafe conditions. If conditions are unsafe, the teacher will be contacted no later than in the morning before the cruise, but possibly the night before if weather is severe, to cancel and reschedule. If teachers would like to reschedule because of inclement weather, it can be accommodated. Teachers can contact Jessica Roame, Education Coordinator, at (949) 675-0551 x 118 or Jessica@NewportWhales.com for questions about weather and cruise cancellations or rescheduling.
Contact Jessica Roame, Education Coordinator, at (949)675-0551 x 118 or Jessica@NewportWhales.com
Crystal Cove Conservancy is Crystal Cove State Park's non-profit partner and is dedicated to education, conservation, and restoration efforts within the State Park. This program is offered in partnership with Newport Landing Sportfishing.

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